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Please check back in the fall of 2024, the store is projected to re-open Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
Pine, Shortleaf 1-0 (Pinus echinata)
Pine, Shortleaf 1-0 (Pinus echinata)
Zone 6-9
Full Sun
Pine, Shortleaf 1-0 (Pinus echinata)
Zone 6-9
Full sun
Shortleaf pine reaches a mature size of 80 to 100 feet in height and 2 to 3 feet in diameter. It is used largely for interior and exterior finishing, flooring, general construction, veneers, paper pulp and poles. Shortleaf pine produces high-quality lumber. It grows best on deep, well-drained soils, but tolerates nutrient-deficient sites.
from 10 pcs | from 25 pcs | from 50 pcs | from 100 pcs | from 250 pcs | from 500 pcs | from 1000 pcs |
$2.00 ea | $1.80 ea | $1.20 ea | $0.70 ea | $0.32 ea | $0.20 ea | $0.14 ea |