Maple, Silver 1-0 (Acer saccharinum)


Maple, Silver 1-0 (Acer saccharinum)
Zone 3-9
Full sun to shade tolerant

Out of stock.

SKU: 023MA-SI Categories: , ,


Maple, Silver 1-0 (Acer saccharinum)
Zone 3-9
Full sun to shade tolerant
Silver Maple is a tall, fast-growing multibranched tree that can reach heights of 50 to 80 feet. It is often planted in hedge rows, wetlands and riparian areas. It flowers in the spring in small, dense reddish clusters. The seed are samaras (winged) and mature in the early summer. The samaras are the biggest of any native maple in Virginia. Wildlife use varies from squirrels eating buds in the early spring; deer eating the bark in the winter, and the trunk tends to make cavities that provide shelter for tree-dwelling mammals, owls and woodpeckers.

from 10 pcsfrom 25 pcsfrom 50 pcsfrom 100 pcsfrom 250 pcsfrom 500 pcsfrom 1000 pcs
$2.00 ea$1.80 ea$1.60 ea$1.20 ea$0.64 ea$0.48 ea$0.32 ea