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Riparian Buffer Starter Seedling Pack


Riparian Buffer Starter Seedling Pack

SKU: 064RIP-P5 Category:


Riparian Buffer Starter Seedling Pack
(Suitable for planting or replanting one acre. For planting in larger areas, contact your local forester.)
Contains these species for a total of 300 Seedlings:
50 Birch, River 1-0
50 Cypress, Bald 1-0
50 Oak, Pin 1-0
100 Pine, Shortleaf 1-0
50 Sycamore 1-0

Additional information


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

from 0 pcsfrom 0 pcsfrom 0 pcsfrom 0 pcsfrom 0 pcsfrom 0 pcsfrom 10 pcs
$300.00 ea$300.00 ea$300.00 ea$300.00 ea$300.00 ea$300.00 ea$300.00 ea